Tax2290.Com | Truckers One Stop Solution!

There is a lot of paper work involved, and you have to comply with many legal formalities when filing any federal tax Forms. For truck drivers and heavy duty vehicle owners, IRS Form 2290 Tax must be paid and a stamped schedule-1 copy must be received before truck permits are granted on each heavy duty vehicles.

In order to avoid errors and mistakes that could probably happen by an inexpert, seeks service providers that can assist them to get their heavy duty tax paid in quick and easiest way since nobody has time and patience to wait to get the stamped Schedule-1 received. Hence, as the demand and supply function behaves, there are many providers that provide this service, popularly referred to as Form 2290 E-file service.

The provider providing the E-filing service have to comply with the rules and regulations laid down by the IRS. is the 1st IRS E-file service provider provides the following services to the truckers looking for truck related solutions:

Form 2290

Form 2290 must be filed every tax year for the existing Vehicles hauling 55,000 lbs or more by the due date AUGUST 31st. Taxes would be paid on vehicles traveling 5000miles (7500 miles for Agricultural) or above and the vehicles less than the limit would be reported as exempt on Form 2290. Those who are into the trucking industry for many years know how to file it and receive Schedule-1 instantly through e-file service.

Form 2290 Amendment

Those who are new to the industry tend to do mistakes on the original Tax Form2290 and wonder how to go about fixing it. Tax2290 provides the E-file service to fix the mistakes happened on original Form 2290 by simply amending it on Tax Form 2290 Amendment and receive the corrected Stamped schedule-1 copy instantly. Form 2290 Amendment offers the following corrections to be fixed electronically:
  • VIN correction
  • Increase in Gross Weight
  • Increase in mileage

Form 8849 Sch-6

Sold/Destroyed/Stolen Credits: If you are paying the Heavy Use Tax and plan to sell your truck during the tax period, you can apply for a credit on Form 8849 Sch-6 to get a pro-rated portion of the tax back. This also applies to the Vehicles stolen or destroyed.

Low Mileage credit: Due to an uncertain reason if you have not driven to the mileage limit on a Tax paid Vehicle in the prior year, you are allowed to claim refund for the entire tax amount paid on that particular vehicle.

Overpaid Tax Dues: Another e-file option we offer to claim credits back when made an over payment of the Taxes in mistake to the IRS on the same vehicles for the same tax period.

E-filing your claims can get your refund processed in less than 21 business days whereas ordinary filing takes way longer than that. Makes it easy and user friendly when trucker deals online to maintain a healthy relationship with the IRS. In simple words, online way of filing and being up to date with the federal is a lot easier through Tax2290 compared to the ordinary process dealt with the other sources.

There are many other services and features available @ Tax2290.

Log on to / to know more about us OR talk to an expert @ 1-866-245-3918. You can also reach us in

2290 Tax Year 2012- 13
Reminder: IRS Form 2290 is due NOW for the year July 2012 – June 2013. Do not left behind, Hurry Up! August 31st is due date. Login at and e-file today… don’t wait until last minute!!!



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